
Posts Tagged ‘Pictures’

Some wonderful person made Banksy cupcakes!!

Banksy Cupcakes!?

I found this while I was browsing the blog I posted previously, Banksy Street Art. It’s a really great blog for street art enthusiasts. I’ve never seen one source with so many new Banksys each day.

It’s like someone took my two favorite things in the world and smooshed them together to form one wonderful piece of fun! And they used one of my favorite pieces, the one on the right.

In blog news, sorry I haven’t been updating in the last two weeks. Once school wrapped up for me I began working full time at a nature park nearby my parents’ house and doing freelance writing for a a local magazine, so my free time has been basically nonexistent. But hopefully the next few days will ease up and I can get back to the Philly goodness. Especially since my beloved Phillies and the wonderful Flyers are rocking out so well.

Long live summer and street art!

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Last spring I spent five months studying abroad in London. Stephen Sondheim hit the nail on the head when he wrote “There’s no place like London”. Don’t get me wrong, I missed Philadelphia every day I was there, but London has its own magical, unforgettable personality that I will love for the rest of my life.

This spring it’s my boyfriend, Alex’s turn to head to London. The other day he stumbled across a really extraordinary selection of street art in a place he’s called the “Graffiti Tunnel”.

Personally, I’m not much of a fan of graffiti. Graffiti is a type of script writing spray painted onto walls, trains, basically anywhere with a flat surface. Street art is more dedicated to painting and drawing actual images. I believe that some people use graffiti the wrong way, with profanity, and sexual innuendos, and those people are what gives the entire idea of street art a bad name. Nothing makes me more mad than seeing a dirty word on a street and knowing that one day a child will see that same thing and have that idea of street art forever.

I was surprised, however, when I saw Alex’s pictures. The graffiti tunnel was really beautiful. The colors blended together so perfectly to light up the underground tunnel miraculously. I was really blown away.

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Here is a picture I took in the spring of 2008 in the Chelsea District of New York City:

Here is a picture taken from street artist Blek le Rat’s website from the spring of 2008:

On my photo there is nothing on the brick wall on the far left, but in Blek le Rat’s photograph there is a wheat pasting of a person running on that same brick wall. Blek le Rat is known as one of the first well-known street artists. The running person was part of a series of his titled “Migration”. Here I was standing in a spot where in maybe a few weeks, or a few days, or tomorrow, a legendary and world famous artist would make his mark. It’s amazing how quick and unpredictable this art-form is. Any day of the week, that plain old wall you walk past could become a work of beautiful art. It really makes me look at the world in a new way

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