
Posts Tagged ‘snow’

Stickers in the Snow?

Snowball fightI recently had some big plans to hop on the bus from my place in Glassboro and head into Philly to investigate new stickers and take some pictures to put up on here. But, apparently that isn’t happening soon! Philadelphia has been hit with one of its biggest blizzards in history, covered with 8.8 inches of fresh powder overnight.

This isn’t the first big snow of the winter, in fact its a pretty normal occurrence in 2010 so far. All this snow does have me a bit concerned for the city’s street art. Don’t get me wrong, I am loving the snow. Its a really good time to just sit around in the house with my room mates eating junk food and watching Paranormal Activity (very scary).  But for serious street artists this blizzard could be disastrous.

Most street art is done with pretty simple matte-vinyl sticker-paper, so the paint has something to cling to.  They are pretty sturdy, but in the end they are still just sticky pieces of paper. I don’t know how well these little mini pieces of art are going to stand up against this insane weather. I have a feeling that a lot of Philly street art is going to be washed away into the snow. Until all of this is figured out , the street artists of the city will just have to bite their nails and wait.

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