
Posts Tagged ‘wheat paste’

Here is a picture I took in the spring of 2008 in the Chelsea District of New York City:

Here is a picture taken from street artist Blek le Rat’s website from the spring of 2008:

On my photo there is nothing on the brick wall on the far left, but in Blek le Rat’s photograph there is a wheat pasting of a person running on that same brick wall. Blek le Rat is known as one of the first well-known street artists. The running person was part of a series of his titled “Migration”. Here I was standing in a spot where in maybe a few weeks, or a few days, or tomorrow, a legendary and world famous artist would make his mark. It’s amazing how quick and unpredictable this art-form is. Any day of the week, that plain old wall you walk past could become a work of beautiful art. It really makes me look at the world in a new way

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