
Posts Tagged ‘random’

Let there be color!

So, as this semester wraps up and my Online Journalism class comes to an end, I find myself getting a bit sentimental about this blog. Sure, it began as just a school project, but I’m really happy with the results. I didn’t expect to be welcomed so much by the artists and community inside Philadelphia, and I never expected to feel as accomplished as I do now.

So, what do I do when I’m feeling a bit sappy?

I make cupcakes!!!!

When I scroll through the blog the first thing I noticed through the whole thing was color. So much color. It’s what makes me love street art so much. Bright, vibrant colors that light up the world. Street art transforms the world into this swirl of imagination and light. It makes the streets turn into a fantasy world, with characters and drawings following you wherever you go. So, in celebration of color and of Painted Philly I decided to make rainbow cupcakes!

I have to admit, the last few months with this blog have been a mash-up of hard work and stress. I was terrified of people’s reactions. I was so worried what people would think about me and Painted Philly that I didn’t really allow myself to enjoy the art that I love so much. So much so that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep up writing the blog now that the class was over.

So I baked cupcakes.

And then I took a deep breath and realized how much this blog can actually be. I mean, street art isn’t about being serious. I’m pretty sure there aren’t many street artists out there that make a living with their tag or anything like that. It’s just about enjoying the good vibes of the street and letting life flow.

I decided that I am going to keep up with this blog, or at least try to. I really will need the continued support of the street art community and the readers, so keep on chiming in! Let’s make this a big old communal thing. And lets have fun!


P.S. Come over and eat cupcakes please. After a very long evening of making, baking, icing, photographing, editing, and blogging about them I’m pretty sure I never want to eat another cupcake again.

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